Generation Z has faced historical economic, educational, and social barriers as a diverse generation. Gen Z is a victim of multi-generational oppression and continue to be affected by persistent and pervasive disparities from lack of human and economic development. Disparity reports expose the far-reaching effects of marginalization in creating debilitating poverty, extreme disproportionality and lack of financial opportunities for the Gen Z  Population. Gen Z’s must save their own future, with a new Racial Equity Model. Under the current model, America will not benefit from the Demographic Shift and racial disparities will continue resulting in lower growth, lower wages and lower standard of living and quality of life for Diverse generations. Gen Z demands resources to improve its own future, manage its own Community and Economic Development through its own Programs and Community leaders.



Across America, city and county governments have failed to build Racial Equity, and ignore the developmental needs of Gen Z. In fact, the communities with the highest concentration of diverse populations, continue to receive the lowest amount of city investment funds. Under this model, Gen Z continues to suffer and are treated like underclass citizens to whom the government is providing handouts. This mindset promotes dependency and degrades the diverse individuals, families and communities who are being served by the current social programs. Generation Z has been marginalized and continue to suffer daily from gun violence, economic, social, and judicial injustices. Report after report, analysis after analysis, community meeting after meeting, protest march after march, against economic suppression and racial injustices have resulted in NO CHANGE! Disparity flourishes throughout county governments, practices, policies, procedures and programs. 

There is disparity in every city’s spending of tax dollars. It is DISCRIMINATION, when differential access to financial opportunities, goods and services remains the core function of county and city governments. The enormous disparity gaps represent, the inability of American Cities, to provide equitable programs and services to its Populations of Color. Funding decisions are STRUCTURED to channel the city’s wealth, opportunities, local, state and federal public funds, grants, and contracts to a selected “privileged group”. Monies and resources intended to support diverse communities, is often given instead, to city partners, sub-recipients, private contractors, and service providers, who are all beneficiaries of entitlements intended for low to moderate income Populations.

The Urban County Consortium’s distribution of Public Funds has also failed to build racial equity. City Consortium Programs and Initiatives, intended for the under-served, are not carried out equitably, efficiently, or effectively in accordance with the HUD Office of Inspector General (HUD OIG) Policies and Procedures.  Year after year, US cities do not meet the goals of the proposed solutions, identified in their racial equity building plans. Their program outcome measurements including output, outcomes, and performance indicators reflect a condition of extreme disparity across all contract periods. The current Racial Equity Model for the distribution of public funds, has proven to be in-equitable. Cities spend millions of dollars on capital projects that do not benefit its Diversity.  In every city the disparity performance measure, across all indicators, verifies that planned programs, and initiatives have not been successful in closing the cities disparity gaps and did not meet the national objective of benefitting low and moderate-income persons in

their county.